About Us

We are Jamie and Anna Katherine

We are mothers to boys who are passionate about baseball and who have expressed an interest in playing baseball after high school. We come to you as the voice of parents who want to help their players achieve this dream.  

Everything we’ve shared here in The Parents Guide to Baseball Recruiting you can find by scouring the internet and talking to coaches at all different levels as well as other experts in the field. The reality is that each one of these experts will give you a slightly different answer to all your questions. So while there is no one right way to go about helping your teen achieve their dream, we sought to answer the questions we had along the journey so you didn’t have to do the exact same research we have done.

In a perfect world your player would understand the process, allocate the time and tap into the resources (“Mom, can you proofread this before I send it out two weeks before the tournament?”) you have provided to him. It would be his process. And maybe that is how some teen boys operate, but not ours. While keeping in perspective what the point of each task is, we hope to outline what it is that you can do as a supportive parent/guardian while maintaining your teen’s attachment to the process.

The main questions for us are “What do we do now?” followed by “How do I help my player?” The Parents Guide to Baseball Recruiting will help outline the priorities for your player. For some parents this will be enough to get them going. For others it will just raise more questions, such as “How do I help my teen manage his social media?  What does he post? And how often?” For those parents, we have more information for you in the works!

Our goal is to not let all this knowledge we’ve accumulated over the years go to waste.  We’d rather share it with other parents to demystify the process and to help other players reach their dreams of playing at the next level. We hope you find what we’ve put together useful and that it, along with the social media community we’ve formed, are tools that you turn to often.